Part 5 - Show classes of the WOC

Class 1 - World Champion - PH (Honour Prize) 

Cats in this class compete for «Best in Show Adult Honour» title. Honour prize is available. This class is nominated separately from the Adult class. «World Champion» title holders, awarded by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible to compete in this class.

Class 2 -World Premior - PH (Honour Prize)

Cats in this class compete for «Best in Show Neuter Honour» title. Honour prize is available. This class is nominated separately from the Neuter class. «World Premior» title holders, awarded by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible to compete in this class.

Class 3 - Grand European / Continental Champion - CACM

Cats in this class compete for the «World Champion» title. 

- CACM title from International WOC Show
- CACM title from Winner WOC Show
- САСМ title from World WOC Show 

obtained in 2 different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as one BOB/BOS award, or 1-2 placement in a Winner Ring on a World Show are required for participation.

«CAGCE» title holders, confirmed by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible for participation. 

Class 4 - Grand European / Continental Premior - CAPM

Cats in this class compete for the «World Premior» title.

- CAPM title from International WOC Show
- CAPM title from Winner WOC Show
- САPМ title from World WOC Show 

obtained in 2 different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as a BOB/BOS award, or 1-2 placement in a Winner Ring  on a World Show are required for participation

«CAGPE» title holders, confirmed by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible for participation.

Class 5 - European / Continental Champion - CAGCE

Cats in this class compete for the «Grand European / Continental Champion» title.

- CAGCE title from International WOC Show
- CAGCE title from International WOC Show
- CAGCE title from Winner WOC Show 

obtained in 2 different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as a BOB/BOS award, or 1-2 placement in a Winner Ring on a Winner Show are required for participation

«CACE» title holders, confirmed by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible for participation.

Class 6 - European/Continental Premior - CAGPE

Cats in this class compete for the «Grand European/Continental Premior» title.

- CAGPE title from International WOC Show
- CAGPE title from International WOC Show
- CAGPE title from Winner WOC Show 

obtained in 2 different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as a BOB/BOS award, or 1-2 placement in a Winner Ring on a Winner Show are required for participation

«CAPE» title holders, confirmed by the WOC Show Commission, are eligible for participation.

Class 7 - Grand International Champion – CACE

Cats in this class compete for the «European / Continental Champion» title.

- 3 CACE from International WOC Shows
obtained in 2 or more different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as a BOB or BOS award, on a International Show are required for participation.

Class 8 - Grand International Premior – CAPE

Cats in this class compete for the «European / Continental Premior» title

- 3 CAPE from International Shows
obtained in 2 or more different countries or continents, from different judges, as well as a BOB or BOS award, on a International Show are required for participation.

Class 9 - International Champion – CAGCIB

Cats in this class compete for the «Grand International Champion» title.

- 3 CAGCIB from National WOC Show
obtained in 3 different regions, from different judges are required for participation.

- 9 CAGCIB in one region
for remote and island regions.

- 12 CAGCIB in one region
for online shows (during pandemic lockdown).

Class 10 - International Premior – CAGPIB

Cats in this class compete for the «Grand International Champion» title. 

- 3 CAGPIB from National WOC Show
obtained in 3 different regions, from different judges are required for participation.

- 9 CAGPIB in one region
For remote and island regions.

- 12 CAGPIB in one region
For online shows (during pandemic lockdown).

Class 11 - Champion - CACIB Cats in this class compete for the «Grand International Champion» title.

- 3 CACIB from National WOC Show
obtained in 2 different regions, from different judges are required for participation.

- 6 CACIB in one region 
for remote and island regions

- 9 CACIB in one region.
for online shows (during pandemic lockdown).

Class 12 - Premior – CAPIB

Cats in this class compete for the «Grand International Premior» title.

- 3 CAPIB from National WOC Show
obtained in 2 different regions, from different judges are required for participation.

- 6 CAPIB from National Show in one region  
for remote and island regions.

- 9 CAPIB in one region  
for online shows (during pandemic lockdown).

Class 13 - Open Class, 10 months and older – САС 

Cats aged 10 months and older compete for the «Champion» title.

- 3 CAC from National WOC Show 
obtained from different judges are required for participation.

Class 14 - Neuter Class, 10 months and older - CAP

Sterile cats aged 10 months and older compete for the «Champion» title.

- 3 CAP from National WOC Show 
obtained from different judges are required for participation.

Class 15 - Junior Class, 6 to 10 months – CACJ

Cats aged 6 to 10 months compete for the «Junior Champion» title. 

- 3 CACJ from National WOC Show 
obtained from different judges are required for participation. 

Class 15a - Neutered Junior, 6-10 months - CAPJ 

Sterile cats aged 6 to 10 months compete for the «Junior Premior» title. 

- 3 CAPJ from National WOC Show 
obtained from different judges are required for participation. 

Class 16 - Kitten, 3–6 months – CACP

Cats aged 3 to 6 months compete for the «Kitten Champion» title. 

- 3 CACP from National WOC Show obtained from different judges are required for participation. 

Class 16a - Neutered Kitten, 3-6 months – CAPP

Sterile cats aged 3 to 6 months compete for the «Kitten-Neuter» title. 

- 3 CAPP from National WOC Show obtained from different judges are required for participation. 

Class 17 - Novice class

Cats of unconfirmed origin, bearing strong resemblance to an aboriginal breed, native to the locale of the show. 

Novice cats can be submitted to the invited judges identification only once, before reaching 6 months of age. Novice cat is to receive 2 «Excellent» marks from different judges. Judges are to be explained the cat’s origin and reasoning for showing in Novice class. Based on 2 experts’ opinion said cat may apply for a breed conformity certificate in their Club, Standard Commission and Breeder Commission will decide on the application. Said certificate may under no circumstances be issued between show days. Only having received said certificate may a cat join the shows and participate in titular classes. 

Class 19 Household pets

Sterile cats bearing no strong resemblance to a recognized breed compete in this category. These cats are instead judged by their visual appearance, grooming and care, as well as temperament. Best in Show nomination is optional, «Best Household Pet» award may be won in Best in Show.

Class 20 - Litter class, 3 - 6 months (at least 3 kittens)

Litters receive expertise in their entirety, their conformity to the accepted standard is judged, adjusted for their young age.

While a litter may not be given a title, it may very well be nominated for Best in Show, where «Best Litter» award may be won.

Class 21 - Veteran

Only certified thoroughbred cats aged 8 years and older may join. Participants are further divided into breed, colour and sex groups. Veterans may receive an «Excellent» mark, titles are not awarded. Best in Show nomination is optional, «Best Veteran» and «Best Veteran Opposite Sex» may be won. 

Class 23 Breeds In Recognition

Breeds and colour varieties yet in approval stages may join. Participants may receive «Excellent» mark but no title, Best in Show nomination is not available.  

Class 24 - Out of competition / Exhibition only

Cats attending the show and not competing in activities join this class.

* Title requirements come with minimal acceptable show status specified. Titles acquired on higher status shows than specified are viable.